Monday, 21 September 2015

End of the world...AGAIN??

Is it the end of the world again?

According to self proclaimed prophet  Rev Efrain Rodriguez, the world is going to end in the next week or so. I know right, I have so much planned.

Mr Rodriguez, who has written to NASA warning them, (so that's good news for us) saw a “vision” of an asteroid hitting Puerto Rico with devastating results for this world.

This prophecy has gained such a following online that NASA was forced to release a statement saying that the chances of an impact around that time or within the next few hundred years were next to zero.

Paul Chodas of NASA's Near Earth Object Office said “ There is no scientific basis, not one shred of evidence, that an asteroid or any other celestial object will impact the earth on those dates”. Sounds pretty sure for a guy that didn't have a vision!

So with the (not) end of the world approaching, let me ask you this. If life was to cease to exist, there was no tomorrow, would you be happy with the life choices you have made? Have you made your life count? Do you have any regrets? I know there are things I would regret, not seeing more of the world would probably be my number one. I guess we really should lead each day as if it is our last, because you never know, it could be.

Read the full article here!

                                                 Here is a photo of a cat to cheer you up!

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Friday, 11 September 2015

Too young for a midlife crisis?

So you may be asking yourself why should you start reading this brand new blog? Have a little read below and see what you think.

I can't decide whether I am having a small midlife crisis or my "adult chip" has finally activated in my brain, either way I recently started to panic. Where is my life going? I should be happy. I am in a great relationship, I have a roof over my head and food on my plate. So what is bringing me down ? At the moment I am working in retail and I hate it! This is not what I want to do for the rest of my life! THIS is getting me down. The thought of walking through the corridor of doom at work just fills me with complete dread. So recently I started thinking, what do I enjoy doing? What would make me happy? Sadly I couldn't answer my own question. I went from being a child and having different hopes and dreams every other week to being a robot, doing the same mundane things every single day. Maybe this is part of being an adult? Who knows. I just know something needs to change within me and fast.

So I thought back to when I was a child and asked myself what did  I enjoy doing? What did I want to be when I was a "grown up?" My results always came back to the same idea. I enjoyed reading. I enjoyed learning new things. I enjoyed writing. I still very much enjoy all of those hobbies. So over the last couple of weeks I have been thinking about the direction I want my life to take, where do I want to be in a years time? Or two years?
I've decided to try and become a writer, and before you say it, i know it won't be easy to do, but what is? Why shouldn't I  be one of those people that love their job? So I'm going for it! I want to write articles, I want to write stories, I want to write about anything and everything!

So now, on my 26th birthday I have decided to write this blog. I feel like I am on the verge of a very exciting year, big things are coming and this will be a great way for me to document it.

In around two weeks I am starting an English course at my local adult education centre, which I am very excited about. I have also started to write my very own short story. It's still very much in the early stages, but I hope to put up my first extract in the next couple of weeks. It would be utterly amazing to get some feedback on it! I will also be writing articles on current news stories from my home in the U.K to news from all over the world. Also any stories that happen to catch my eye.

So to sum up my original question, why should you start reading this? Because this blog is going to be my journey over the next year, cliché and cheesy I know. It won't be pretty, and I am still very new at writing so there will be mistakes. But maybe you have stumbled upon this blog, its late at night, you can't sleep, maybe you are asking yourselves the same questions? Let's make the next year count and grab life by the balls!

So thank you for reading my ramblings and I hope you enjoy my blog.

Stick with me, I might surprise you.